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Old 26 December 2022, 08:09   #8
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Originally Posted by andyhants View Post
Can't get RNOXfer to run - it keeps reporting AmiSSL is missing for some reason depite me d/ling & installing it.
From the requirements section in the RNOXfer documentation: "- AmiSSL v4 ("

So, the latest AmiSSL v4 is 4.12 currently, do you have that installed? It doesn't work if you only have v5 installed, but both branches can coexist. It'd would be the best to install v4 first and then v5 next to it, but if you do it other way around, you'll have to copy the latest amisslmaster.library from v5 manually.

Originally Posted by Antti View Post
Ok so I tried RNOXfer on that directory. Did not get timeout but didn’t get directory listing either. To be sure I waited for an hour doing something else while waiting.
It seems that parsing the directory listing is too heavy for this huge directories. It takes a minute to parse it on my Mac mini G4 too, so probably would take hours on 68k as you experienced

I'm using Hollywood/Lua pattern matching functions to parse listings and that's an easy and reliable way to do it, but probably a bit too demanding for this large data. I rather wouldn't touch it, but maybe I'll do some tests if I could make it faster in some other way, and decide then...

But generally speaking, I think these directories are unreasonable large at the FTP site, and it would be better for the server admin to think splitting them in several directories. I have TOSEC collections from other sources where people had split the ADF directory into several sub dirs, maybe for these kinds of reasons.
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