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Old 12 November 2022, 20:31   #95
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Originally Posted by Paulthetall View Post
- A level editor, where people can create there own levels and share them so the game will increase the levels where you yourself don't have to make levels on your own anymore because of the increased content made by enthusiasts
- A few levels for color blind people. My son is visually impaired but can see a little bit including strong color contrasts (black-white, yellow-blue etc. so if you can add one or two such levels, then that would be great! When there is a level editor, then other people can add more of those as well.
- Multiplayer (2 balls (different color)) for the ones with most points/longest survival

Hope you can do something with this request. I think this would improve sales and increase popularity and keeps the game interesting.

many thanks in advance and keep up the great work! Game looks great!

- A level editor would be sweet so people couple share their own levels, but I'm sure that's a project within itself. Still, cool idea.

- Having challenges with colors, especially shades, that would be an interesting addition. Though I can see the squares well, and the flashing. I'm not having any visual challenges with the demo levels - with the primary colors. Maybe that changes in further levels? There are plenty of games that I'd wanted to see "color blind" be considered.

- For multiplayer you'd have to split the screen and that could make the game more challenging than it should be. For Gloom the split screen works well but it's not relying on the background moving, and keeping a character from falling from a roof.., but for this game, the going around play would become more challenging. Adding ball colors would defeat the purpose that I'm pretty sure is being used. The Boing Ball, like back-in-the-day when it was introduced bouncing in a square. I'm pretty sure that's why it looks as it does in this game...and I greatly appreciate that. For this kind of game, just have turns playing. Their game, so...whatever they want to do. :-)
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