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Old 18 October 2022, 00:32   #564
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Originally Posted by midwan View Post
Hej Photon!
Amiberry doesn't have a (released) Android version at the moment. There was an attempt to do that with a contributor, but unfortunately, he hasn't shown any life signs for the last 3 years. The last we had done with it was an early alpha version.

However, all the Android code changes are still in the repo (with #ifdef sections), so the thing that is mostly missing is the Android-specific "glue" and bits. If anyone would like to help with that, it would be fantastic!

I do not have enough time go into it myself currently, so we need someone with Android development knowledge to assist.

All the code is on Github:
If this repo does not target Android 9+ specifically I'll pass. Just way too much work, sorry

Currently have newer .apk of UAE4ARM running on device and ready to publish an Amiga emulator for Android on Google Play, except 15 months ago, Google forced .aab for *new* apps (just like Apple has forced anything and everything through XCode with deprecation every two weeks). Reason for 'store is Samsung prohibiting classifying apps added to its game launcher as game. A text field of 4 characters. Pitiful.

Aren't "devices" trash tho. One more reason to "defend the desktop" which nobody seems to be doing. I'm ready to give up already. This coming from a dev who has published 40+ apps for Android and IOS over 10+ years.

Gooooood night.
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