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Old 17 October 2022, 08:19   #29
Inviyya Dude!
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Originally Posted by dlfrsilver View Post
Correct, France is the place where the ST was the king. 500.000 machines sold.
Why isn't there a resurgence in Atari ST games and general scene then?
I always wonder.

Amiga is so huge again, but I don't see anything similar for the ST. Which I feel a bit sorry about, since I kind of like the ST as well. i just never owned one, and don't feel really compelled to code for it.

u guys talking about 1988?
in 1988 the Amiga do not existed was time of the 8 bits computers, c64, spectrum and all the other 8 bits cranks
few crazy ppl have an Amiga in 1988, and fact is that all Amiga games from 1986-1989 were very lame
I got my A500 in late 1987, and here in Germany the transformation from C64 to Amiga was going on through all of that year. At the end of 1988 all of my friends had their Amigas.

In 1991 the transformation to PCs started here.

And you had plenty of great games from 1986-1989, just not good action games, since coders didn't understand the chipset yet.

Playing Starglider 2, Carrier Command, Warhead, Bard's Tale 1&2, Interceptor, Falcon, Elite (with fluid graphics) and lots and lots of other games was amazing.
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