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Old 19 May 2022, 13:33   #39
CaptainM68K-SPS France
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Originally Posted by Rob68K View Post
They're not THAT bad all things considered.

Have you managed to pull all the graphics from the arcade version as a starting point?
Of course It will take me 3 or 4 days to get all the tiles with the right palettes.

The hardest part are the 8x8 pixels tiles that would need to be reassembled into 16x16 tiles, because the 8x8 tile format is unsuited/not amiga compliant.

The arcade graphics were done by Toaplan on sharp X68000 throught their Toaplan TED editor.

What's your ambition here? What spec are you targeting? If RAM/Storage isn't a big deal, why not just stereo sample the audio from the self-test on the arcade machine and just using 2 channels for the music streaming, you'll have 2 spare to do the sound effects? To be honest, I have a similar project in mind where I've already decided I would do that although the game I have in mind uses a lot of repeated patterns in the music so I'd compress the data by taking out those repeats and patching it together.
We have excellent composers here, Saimon69 and Dr Metune.

The arcade board appears to be 68000. Would a disassembly with IDA, Ghidra or Binary Ninja ( if you've got the dosh ) make a good starting point? Even if it was just to pilfer the attack wave data?
Yes the board use a 68000. The program code was built under OS/9 for X68000 on X68000

It should normally have no C code mixed with ASM.
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