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Old 12 January 2022, 17:49   #1
Brick Nash
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Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Posts: 421
Final Fight: Enhanced

Hi folks,

I started learning Assembly language last summer, so I thought I'd post a preview of what I've been doing, as I'm taking a break from it for a while. I was originally going to try and re-do my Amos Streets of Rage demo, but I thought I'd have a go at the Big Kahuna and try Final Fight.

It's only one level and two enemies, but it use 2 buttons and it plays ok.

[ Show youtube player ]

It only runs on a 68020 setting at the moment, as something in my background tile replacing routine is bottlenecking things and causing a big frame overrun on a 68000 setting - even with just one enemy on screen (runs fine if it's just the player on screen). I expect some overhead from BG replacing, but not this much.

I haven't figured out loaders or disk routines yet, so what you are seeing is actually two separate programs (title screen and main game) dumped into RAM from VASM and just edited together in one video. No adf to share at this point either, but I'll get there eventually (I just need a rest as I'm a bit burned out at the moment).

There's other stuff to tidy up as well which I'll list below, but I'll get back to it at some point.


- The in game music is still a WIP, as I plan to change small bits
- No grab moves at the moment. The graphics are in there, I just haven't tried V-Flips with bobs yet
- Sound effects clip the voice samples as they share a channel
- The Random Number Generator may be a bit slow
- Bob clipping doesn't stop the actual draw routine
- Enemy collisions are a little flaky at the moment
- The AI is quite dumb and easy to beat (got plans for that too)
- Sound effects are all over the place on a 68000 setting

Last edited by Brick Nash; 12 January 2022 at 18:08.
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