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Old 29 December 2021, 19:36   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2021
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Posts: 3
The 30 year hunt!

Firstly, hi! Secondly, OK its not quite 30 years but it feels like it.

BITD I had a few Amigas and I loved the demo scene and other applications that pushed the outside World into my home via BBS and Coverdisks etc. One of those disks, a CD that I *think* I ran on my A1200 had this amazing Art Museum program on it.

You basically walked around in a Wolfenstein styled maze that had pictures of real World art on the walls, you walked up to one and then clicked it to get the full "hi-res" image. It was very high quality and smooth (though that could be nostalgia talking) and I would love to run through it again for the people on my stream and my own memories. Any help appreciated.

Also looking for a demo. possibly Voyager 1 flyby of Saturn... maybe.. with some cool music and the infamous Haldane quote “The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine.” though I think it was voiced by Carl Sagan in the demo. Very short, just repeated and I loved it back then.

Again, appreciate the help if offered and yes, this isn't a game but I wasn't sure where to post it.
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