Thread: Scorpion Engine
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Old 01 April 2021, 20:03   #665
Inviyya Dude!
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Originally Posted by nikosidis View Post
This is why C64 is much more popular than Amiga. Even if there is C128 it is almost no games made for that config and that is only more RAM! Think about Amiga with all the different hardware! It is crazy and actually not a good thing regarding interest in developing for the platform. A lot have found out that A500 with 1MB is what most have and most aim for. More than A1200 with standard 2MB chip is at least asking for almost no sales and very little interest.

What can be done and done before is to make some extras if extra ram is detected.
The only problem is really that you need a strong idea of what you want to create, and then just follow through with it.

I have heard sooooo many things and lamentations over the years. But in the end, if people would really want to play your game they'd find ways to.

"Could your game please be..."
* WhdLoad
* hard disk installable
* for 68060 CPUs
* for RTG cards
* with more dithering
* with less dithering
* more like game XYZ (most often "Turrican", regardless of if your game is a SHMUP, Run&Gun, or a text adventure)
* less like game XYZ
* faster
* slower
* harder
* less hard, need a health bar or I cannot play it (which comes back to "can your game please be more like Turrican")
* with music that's less shit
* 14 bit music streaming ("Oh, you release a game on floppy? That's shit, please release on CD, go with the times on this 36 years old retro platform. So it's less like 1992, and more like 1994. So modern!")
* with some special enhancements that targets something my exotic setup and nobody else has, but will cost you a full two weeks to develop
* fill in your own complaint here

In the end the answer is:


Last edited by Tigerskunk; 02 April 2021 at 06:44.
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