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Old 12 March 2021, 07:45   #246
son of 68k
meynaf's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Lyon / France
Age: 51
Posts: 5,350
Seems I had some unreleased changes waiting. I've now released all that as real 0.6 version.

. edtr: map's file size always got bigger (usually by 15 bytes) every time it
  was saved, even if nothing got added, due to a bug in the MapCellExtra
  cleanup routine (this new version will remove unneeded items, leading to
  smaller file size)
. edtr: info window (rmb) on ultimate artifact showed empty string (same bug
  occurs on pc version)
. both: new command-line option "nolace" to get 640x240 instead of 640x480,
  for those who *really* don't like interlaced screens (may make a few things
  faster as well but it's real ugly, especially texts)
. both: fixing a case when clicking on mini map could lead to a wrong place
. game: avoid using 100% cpu when not necessary (useful for laptops running an
  emulator set at max speed)
. game: reallocation of MapCellExtra when full didn't work, ending up in an
  abort when claiming resources (more likely to happen with maps edited with
  editor v0.6+, one bug was hiding another)
. game: a few problems fixed on minimap (aka radar), the most important being
  sawmills not shown properly
. game: keyboard shortcuts didn't work, can now f.e. view hero / enter town
  with enter key
. game: fixed havoc that could occur (game crash) if all 6 players each
  recruited 8 heroes
. game: no longer rejects maps that have a single player if win/lose special
  conditions make it a valid game
If people want to change something, please don't release hacked code in my back and submit some diff to me. I don't work on that project much anymore, but there is support.
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