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Old 27 February 2021, 09:21   #68
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Join Date: Feb 2021
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Posts: 13
In the USA at least it was the lack of fight/advertising for, "Industry Standards"
Microsoft and Adobe owes alot of their recognition to higher education institutes deeming their software as, 'Industry Standard.' Once a program or platform is deemed, 'industry standard' Universities preach their word to students but also give students large discounts on the program or hardware being taught.

I drove a professor dead pissed at the world after telling him SoftImage and 3DS Max suck. I was pro 'Lightwave' back then.

Commodore Amiga had its chance in the 90s to become, 'industry standard' bin NTSC video production but didn't act on it.

The high school I went to had an a2000 w/VideoToaster for the AV class. The teacher teaching that course wouldn't budge on using the class budget for a 060 card and memory so, in my silent protest I spent the class time playing games on the Amiga.
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