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Old 12 February 2021, 10:51   #474
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Join Date: Sep 2013
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DMA of A590 - probably tops at ~2MB/s, UW-SCSI of Blizzard has theoretical max at 40MB/s but usually it goes at around 30-35MB/s, FastATA has maximum of 16,6MB/s but usually it's 5-7MB/s, same with Cyberstorm MK2 SCSI (which has a max of 10MB/s). Vampire supposedly achieve near 20MB/s. I know there are many ppl which find that level of performance satisfying. But again - if you're satisfied with 30-year old performance level why trying to get something faster than 030@50MHz? If someone is trying to push things with way faster RAM and faster CPU core... it only makes sense to provide faster storage option as well.
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