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Old 05 February 2021, 15:00   #4004
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Heya eddiemonsta,

Thank you for providing feedback

Originally Posted by eddiemonsta View Post
My only criticism would be related to the fact it has to be installed on the C drive, but this is only a criticism because of choices I made when building my PC so feel free to just tell me i should have bought a bigger hard drive! I decided I wanted a low capacity SSD for my primary drive (110Gb). I have a second 250Gb SSD for my Virtual Pinball setup, then larger capacity mechanical drives for my gaming stuff to keep it portable. I only had about 25Gb free initially on my primary drive, so I had to delete a fair bit of stuff just to do the initial install, and there was no way I could free up enough space to do all the updates. If I could have just selected to install to my 8Tb F drive, life would have been simple. Also, it isn't clear from the instructions (unless I've missed it) how may of the 48 parts get installed using the setup program, and if I need to extract any of them after setup has completed?
speshady is correct, you can not use the "Setup.exe" and just manually extract anywhere. Just make sure you right-click on the "WinUAE.part01.exe" and select "Open with WinRAR" and apply the registry settings

See this also:

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