Thread: Baldies
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Old 26 December 2020, 01:59   #36
Knight Of The Kingdom
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Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: It's a bald world!
Posts: 179
Firstly,Thank you to CodyJarrett for the map and assets,I could recreate the demo because of you're help and it helped me with the collision because I could view the dimensions of the assets and compare with the code.Your contribution was extremely helpful Thank you Cody.

Originally Posted by Reynolds View Post
Wonder how things are going on this one...?
You're interested in this game as I am,I also like the game,it's different then other strategy games.I know how all the amiga demo is coded but that's not even close to the full version of the game.I've literally three choices,one I mentioned early on,reverse engineer the jaguar version(it was programmed in 68000),this would be my preferred way but it's impossible given the status of Jaguar emulation. Reverse engineer the dos version(I own a copy of this) this is not impossible but it's not the route I would choose to go(I'm not comfortable in programming in dos,we're talking 6 months+ to gain that knowledge and then the task of reverse engineer the game).Study as best I can the game logic by view (dos/jaguar) again not the route I really want but might have no choice.

Not exactly encouraging I know,but I'm going to list what we know about the game that I documented code wise.This might be encouraging to you.

1:We know how the logic(movement) of baldies/AI is coded and it visually looks the same on jaguar
2:We know how all collision is handled(baldies,and all structures and how they react to structures"trees,houses,water tiles,picked up by player,dropped by player,mover by player,dropped into a house,dropped into a tree,dropped into water, ect..)
3:we know how map tiles(water,ect..) are animated
4:We know how the hud logic works(choosing baldies,spade,ect)
5:we know how the trees logic works(baldies in trees,how their animated,ect)
6:we know how house structures works(baldies in houses,how their animated,how the move from room to room,ect)
7:We know how the spade can remove tiles and add tiles and which tiles should be added to the ram map so they can be animated.
8:we know how traps are spawned from the player and AI
9:we know all traps collision code
10:we know how structures advance(house upgrades,breeder houses,military houses,scientist house)
11:we know how many baldies per structure it takes to advance and how long(Continued from 10)
12:we know how AI builds houses(structures) and the criteria to build them

Last edited by OmegaMax; 26 December 2020 at 04:13.
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