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Old 17 December 2020, 18:49   #188
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Originally Posted by Rochabian View Post
The CD32 certainly would have been the best Amiga for gaming if games have been made for it. But it has been seen as a A1200 with a CD drive. Akiko was not used at all.
Wich app or game use the CD32 hardware at it's maximum and that a A1200 with CD drive can't do ? None i think.
Games with Rob Northen Akiko CD access surely could have been run on a A1200 if a standard CD access was programmed, without a performance hit.

As said elsewhere, with a 030+fpu and fastram, surely CD32 games could have been a little more ambitious

When Atari has done the Jaguar, they don't have put a Falcon in a console case, they have made new hardware. The CD32 is a refurbished A1200 with a CD drive

The CD32 is the most practical amiga, but not the best for me
But some games do use Akiko?

That's unfair saying "what game uses CD32 at it's maximum?" because we only ever got the first wave of games for it. I think if you look at Guardian you see game using maybe at most 60% of the CD32's power - there was a lot more to come.

Also imagine if the cD32 had been very successful and then Commodore released a FAST mem memory upgrade - and sped the console up by a huge amount. Maybe this was the real reason for the Chip-mem only approach - to give the console a power boost in later years. Consoles like the Saturn and N64 both used memory enhancement add-ons. One of N64's best games - Perfect Dark is nowhere near as good without the expansion pak

I agree Jaguar is a new console but it has a lot of flaws too including a bugged CPU. You need some crazy workaround to get around it. For me the best Amiga-that-wasn't-hardware is the Atari Lynx (also designed by the Amiga designers). I think Commodore didn't really put 100% into making a console - it was more an opportunity. As evidenced by the cheap case and A1200 + CD Drive architecture. Still the best Amga tho
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