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Old 09 December 2020, 18:52   #151
This cat is no more
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What Makes The Amiga CD32 The Best Amiga?
It may not be the best amiga but at least people talk about it

Well, others managed to alter their stuff to work with it. I would have thought Sensible, would have been sensible and worked the problem.
the NV space is very small. For instance Speedball II and possibly others changed the way of saving by providing encoded passwords (like Chaos Engine does), but SWOS can't probably do that because of the amount of data to save (player names, ...). Even with compression you're not sure to have the right amount

Another issue with NV ram is that in a lot of cases, game doesn't use nv library and takes over the NV. So you can play a particular game, save progress, but as soon as you switch games the new game destroys previous savegame data (with system compliant nonvolatile library using games it's possible to back it up... but to floppy? to hard drive? if you have a hard drive why are you saving to NV...). No acceptable solution. Play only arcade games.
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