Thread: TF536 with CDTV
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Old 23 October 2020, 21:05   #25
mä vaan
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Originally Posted by alexh View Post
I thought there might be enough information in the CDTV thread over at exxos to patch the ROM rather than require the firmware which patches on the fly?


If I am reading this thread correctly, TF is talking about one memory location (0xF38706) which according to the Amiga Memory MAP documentation is in the CDTV Extended ROM. TF says this location is part of cdfs.device and in particular an allocmem with the parameters "MEMF_CLEAR | MEMF_PUBLIC".

So that address should be offset 0x38706 into an Extended CDTV ROM file and I would expect the value should be : MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR = $00010001 (I got the constant values for MEMF_PUBLIC and MEMF_CLEAR from a quick google)

If I look into the Extended ROM v2.30 file with a HEX editor I see starting at @ 0x38704-$0x38706 is the value $00010001

Now I am not an AmigaOS programmer but reading the thread and inferring what is going on I think the idea TF had was to patch the data being read from this address on the fly from MEMF_PUBLIC ($00000001) to MEMF_CHIP ($00000002) to make cdfs.device work with TF536 with FASTRAM fitted.

So if you change the data at the ROM location 0x38706 to $0002 that could be the fix?

The address location for this code will be different for Extended ROM v2.7 or v1.0
That would be nice, know anyone who could patch it?
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