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Old 02 October 2020, 22:59   #48
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Originally Posted by spiff View Post
It's just less of everything, maybe not in quality, but in measurable hardware.

Sure - but it lacks the accessibility and flexibility.

Yes, you can play back a sound sample on a C64 if you're an expert in assembly language programming, but where was the turnkey accessible-to-the-average-user sampling hardware and software?

Where's the hand-scanner or video digitiser for getting images into the machine?

That was the whole point of the discussion that this one branched from - that the Amiga wasn't the first to have these capabilities, or even the best at doing any of these things. it was the machine that offered a well balanced package of capabilities and made them accessible to the average user - and more to the point, made the average user see that there might actually be some value in them, even for someone not using such capabilities professionally.
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