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Old 22 September 2020, 20:21   #5
Adrian Browne
Jackie Chan
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Ireland
Age: 46
Posts: 992
Hi. Daedalus. Thanks for the informative response. Excuse my noobness- if possible I would like to aim as closely as possible to a particular set-up so as to minimize reworking the graphics at a later date. I am still learning sprite art but loving it so i am progressing quickly.

You said: A dual playfield display like this allows a very easy and fast single layer of parallax in the background, but limits you to 8 colours for any graphics in each layer (well, 7+transparent in the front layer), be they BOBs or parts of the level. If it's not dual playfield, you have all 32 colours available for blitted graphics, but blitting will be slower which will reduce the number of objects you can run at once.

So dual play-field mode allows me to use only 16 colours or 32? If i have fixed colours for each layer and fixed colours for say player/enemies can i mix and match those colours between the layers or are they strictly reserved for those layers only?

Obviously the player ship is the same colour in each level- can the assigned colours for individual layers vary from game level to game level i.e a a different fixed number of colours for an individual layer in any given game level etc?

So in the above palette link I would literally just assign fixed colours for each layer etc?

Ideally i would like access to all 32 colours for the graphics- what is the optimum set-up i could work with right now that would require the least amount of graphics re-working later? Lot's of questions i know... At least i could work on enemies, player ship and foreground art-maybe some background art and if another graphical layer was needed later i could do that in the future.
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