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Old 11 August 2020, 08:10   #964
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Originally Posted by Minuous View Post
First you lie, now you call people thieves.

And anyway, that's not how it works at all, there is a presumption of innocence and the onus is on the plaintiff to prove their case before any remedy is applied. Otherwise any company could just strategically litigate their competitors into oblivion and without even the need for ever having a verdict in their favour. This is basic stuff we were taught in high school.
LOL You learned that at which school? The school of wrongness.

Which episode of Law & Order covered minor commercial disputes?

You don't need a verdict to sue. And yes, you can (try to) sue your competitors into oblivion or sue your own way to bankruptcy. The SCO vs Linux world was exactly that. They sued everyone until they ran out of money (well the judge rule against them nullifying their claim and means to continue suing). But for all involved it was expensive. Apple, Samsung, Microsoft are accused of similar strategies in the past. They sued each other repeatedly. Bit harder to bankrupt the richest companies though. Not hard to bankrupt small Amiga companies though.
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