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Old 30 July 2020, 19:48   #3
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The typos I can fix on the page, so please do go ahead. I spent a lot of time chopping stuff out to make it work within Substack's limits, got a bit wordblind on the way and missed my usual post deadline so I didn't have much time to edit.

I've tried embedding before but it seems the ?t=X gets cut out. Basically you paste the URL in and it converts it to a Youtube embed, but loses the ?t=X bit on the way.

I've read Commodore: The Amiga Years by Brian Bagnall and Commodore: Company on the Edge but not the Amiga years. To be honest I really would like to see something more on the inside of the production of the Atari ST. It sounds like a really wild time with the lawsuits flying everywhere, Jack Attacks and I'd be keen to see how Shivji's team got the ST out of the door so quickly.
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