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Old 01 July 2020, 23:54   #217
Tech Guru
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: Oxnard, CA
Posts: 189
Okay so this has been driving me crazy over the last few days. I think I narrowed it down with my Dell U2410 monitor not liking the native Amiga modes out of the ZZ9000 video slot adapter. I get nearly anything I boot from floppy disk or a Gotek to not show up on the HDMI output. RTG is fine, but it does take a bit after the machine boots to display my RTG screen. If its Native Amiga Modes its hit or miss. As an example, the 3.1.4 install disk boots but shows no output.

So after talking over in ORC I decided to try another monitor. I hooked up this cheap eBay Chinese 10" monitor, and its working fine with all the things I mentioned not working on the Dell. Uggg! This is my shop monitor because it displays native amiga modes over VGA with no flicker fixer or scan double needed. Its perfect for testing machine I repair. Why would it not work properly with the zz9000 HDMI output? Anyone using this monitor and have ideas? I have a 2nd one up on my office I can try to see if its just this monitor, but it works with everything else I throw at it.
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