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Old 03 March 2004, 23:07   #1
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Most common programming language in Amiga games

Guys, I am making a small research on the effect of programming languages to the quality of games. I am expecting to present this to programmers and developers.

My idea is that when people were able to develop for the hardware and not just the CPU, games run more efficiently and were actually a lot better at least on the audio-visual aspect. The Amiga is a bright example (I think) on this issue. I mean, the A1200 with a 68030 is capable of producing amazing results if it is well programmed. Unfortunately, we ended up with AGA games with a few colours more than the A500 versions and nothing more than that.

Can you please let me know what you think on that? My main argument on this research is that old hardware is still able to produce excellent games if it is well programmed and that modern PCs are excessively equiped with super fast CPUs and graphics cards.
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