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Old 21 June 2020, 11:28   #1
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Bad Apple Amiga Version


I saw the amazing Atari ST version of Bad Apple on youtube and decided I'd give an Amiga version a go. Initially I tried AGABlaster which was fine but was around 230Mb in size and used way more colours than needed.

I made an Anim8 sndanim with ffmpeg, sox, ham_convert and Wavetracer DS, mostly on an Amiga 4000. The Anim is about 70-odd mb in size and plays on my real Amiga 4000 with AnimFX. I entered it yesterday into the wild section at yesterday's NovaParty, hopefully it won't come last

Normally I'd upload it to the EAB FTP but that's down. Aminet has restrictions on copyrighted material and I don't know about the music's copyright status. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on where to put it? I'm planning on uploading it to YouTube at some point but as for where to put the original .anim file I'm not sure.

Am I being overconcerned about Aminet, or am I right to not upload it there? If so, where else should I put it?
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