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Old 28 April 2020, 23:46   #41
mä vaan
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Originally Posted by Bruce Abbott View Post

It's because we had 20 years of being told our classic Amigas were not worth having and PPC/OS4 was the way of the future. The truth (which was obvious to anyone with a brain) was that PCs were the way of the future and 'NG' Amigas would never compete.
Who has told that classic Amigas were not worth to having? And yes many ways 68k amiga are end of road. My Amiga NG machine is in my hobby room and I primaly use it for a internet to get games my commodores and ocasional gaming etc. I can't do that with my older Amigas. Most of people just don't get it how much faster it is that any 68k amiga when using system friendly software.


I was a true believer (using an A3000 with 060 and RTG, Ethernet card etc. in my business) but when Pentium PCs reached 200MHz I could see it was no use trying to keep up. 10 Years later I looked at getting an 'NG' Amiga, but realized it was pointless. Luckily I kept my A1200 though - it now gets about the same amount of use as my PC!
I have never thought to use Amigas for any serious.
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