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Old 27 April 2020, 21:27   #3894
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Originally Posted by Timtheloon View Post
Thanks @grelbfarlk, really appreciate the feedback.

The reason I set VoodooInt to No, is because if I Set it to yes my WHDload games do not start I just get a black screen I'm not sure if this is a bug with the Ratte Auto Switch SwitchControl (This Also happens on my 1200 Sonnet Build)

I will Adjust the VoodooMem and see how it performs

Now I'm a little confused by the SBLive, I Though if it wasn't compatibly I wouldn't get sound in my Games when I select AHI? but I think i have a spare SB128 somewhere

I'll try Blitzquake at 640x480 see if I can get close to 50Fps
Not sure about WHDLoad, usually I use the safe-boot option of ClassicWB when I want to run WHDLoad.
The VoodooMem is only really going to be an issue if you run out of VRAM, which isn't really that likely. In theory some applications might save more textures in VRAM but I don't know if any of the games are really that advanced to take advantage of it. It's not a big deal.

Unless you see SBLive(EMU10k) in the AHI prefs and it's set to an SBLive(EMU10k) under Music or AHI Unit 0, it's not actually using the SBLive. If you have Paula 8-bit DMA there, it's only using Paula. But if you're just using it as a mixer then it's not touching AHI at all.
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