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Old 01 April 2020, 09:56   #39
Inviyya Dude!
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Originally Posted by boemann View Post
So I am a developer on AmigaOS 3.2. And I'd like to talk about some of the new stuff I've been working on. In 3.2 we have the reaction classes, and we as a group have been working hard on polishing and bugfixing them. The class I've been mostly concentrating on is the texteditor.gadget.

It is almost a complete texteditor in a single gadget. In 3.9 it is housed in EditPad, but for 3.2 I've also created a whole new editor called TextEdit. A lot of the features I've done will be available in EditPad and other places it is used. But TextEdit has a few more tricks up it's sleeve.

In list form the texteditor.gadget has recieved the following fixes and new features:
- scrollwheel mouse support (also horizontally if your mouse supports it)
- extended keyboard support (like page up and down for keyboards that have those keys)
- complete standard selection of text. (shift acts as a selection modifier when you click with mouse or use cursor keys)
- After you have selected you can click inside and then drag-move the text elsewhere in the document.
- many many smaller bug fixes
- much improved and endless amount of undo redo history
- a framework for applications to do syntax highlighting
- cursor is an I beam and it blinks to make it easier to spot
- both line wrapping and endless lines possible
- framework for doing incremental search and highlighting all hits
- support for TABs as TABs and not just converted to spaces
In short it does like you expect of a modern editor (and it is still usable on a basic 68000)

The new TextEdit application uses this gadget, and thus gains all of the above but also uses some of the gadget's new frameworks to provide some nice new features:
- incremental search and replace
- ARexx syntax highlighter
- shell script syntax highlighter

If people have further wishes or ideas I'd like to hear them so if times allow it can be done (no more highlighters in this release though)

And there is also still known bugs from earlier versions that will most likely not be fixed in this release, but naturally isn't forgotten either.

Ideas (but probably not in 3.2):
- framework for showing linenumbers
- rectangular selections
- C syntax highlighter
- assembler syntax highlighter
- installer syntax highlighter
- amigaguide syntax highlighter
- multi document tabbed interface in TextEdit
- an ARexx port
That's amazing, dude...
Thanks for the what must have been huge amount of work you put into this...
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