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Old 31 March 2020, 20:28   #26
Camilla, AmigaOS Dev.
Join Date: Mar 2020
Location: Frederiksberg
Posts: 329
Originally Posted by pipper View Post
I think part of the success of 3.1.4 was the notion of making things better and removing bugs without additional cost. Power without the price so to speak ;-)
This made it very attractive to people with even base or moderately accelerated 68k Amigas.
On the other hand, the reason 3.9 never caught on seems to be that people perceived it as bloated and sluggish.

So my wish would be: implement new features in a way that they are either usable on humble machines or give people the option to opt out of things. Don’t make them pay (In terms of ram usage or performance) for features they may not use.
I guess this boils down to the question: what is are the minimum hardware requirements to settle on for 3.2

My personal wish is: better (remote) debugging facilities provided by the operating system. Bebbo implemented a GDBserver that works, but is rather limited. It would be great if exec could provide hooks and other debugging facilities (potentially utilizing the MMU) that make implementing a debugger much easier. Alternatively, the OS could come with a full gdbserver...

Thanks for the hard work!
Believe me we would like nothing better than to have good native debugging too.

As for speed and requirements. The current requirement is still only an 68000 and the TextEdit application have been tested on such a system to make sure it is usable. The memory requirement is to the best of my knowledge in the same ballpark as 3.1.4 and we intend to keep it like that. A harddisk is all but required like with 3.1.4, and the diskspace used will be a bit higher, but we are not talking bloat at all. And I'm speaking like a person who never wanted to use 3.9, so I sort of know where you come from. We have people happy with 3.9 in our ranks too, so all views are respected.

We murmured over this just the other day, and someone said that when 3.9 came out the thought was that new Amiga platforms would come and then those were the target. But today we want to make something for both the retro computers, as well as be there for the high end systems. So it is a different mindset.
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