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Old 31 March 2020, 19:53   #22
Camilla, AmigaOS Dev.
Join Date: Mar 2020
Location: Frederiksberg
Posts: 329
Originally Posted by Ami View Post
Why no love for standard non blinking block cursor?
First of all the non blinking block cursor was a necessity on old text terminals where you couldn't draw a line in between characters where the text is inserted.

Secondly a block signifies a selection and thus a block cursor could easily be misread as a single character selection. The block cursor is reserved for overwrite mode, where the cursor actually behaves like a 1 character selection all the time. (Overwrite mode is not implemented currently but there is plans for it mostly because the API has promised so for 20 years)

The blinking could strictly speaking be turned off with a setting, but it is important to be able to find the cursor easily with your eyes and blinking helps to that end. So I thought it was not worth the time to make such a setting, as most people will end up having it blinking in the end anyway.

I am aware some people like the block cursor (you being among them) but for most users it is more important to have a cursor with a meaning that is actually logical, and similar to what they work with on modern computers.
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