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Old 31 March 2020, 16:33   #5
gulliver's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Did you know that we got a lot of cooperation from the OS4 guys?

As weird as it may sound to some, a lot of good fellowship has
been happening between us, the AmigaOS 68k developers, and the
OS4 (PPC) Team.

Not only we shared code, but there are more than a couple of
developers that work on both OSes simultaneously.

And the results of this continued cooperation has provided us with a
lot of valuable enhancements that we have already seen materialized
in AmigaOS 3.1.4(.1) like:

-The animation datatype that got some optimisations and a convertion
routine for HAM an EHB animations to standard modes on the fly.

-The asynchronous cd-rom filesystem which supported UDF between other

-The asl.library got a couple of nice features and many bugfixes that
came directly from the OS4 project.

-The MultiView utility got several fixes and learned a few new tricks
thanks to them.

-The Edit command is a complete backport from OS4.

-The overhaul of the printer.device which is in a much better working
condition than ever before.

-The test mode option in the ScreenMode Prefs Editor, which is code
that comes from OS4 too.

Also the on-going development of AmigaOS 3.2 contains much more fruits
of this partnership. And ReAction is just the tip of the iceberg.

United we are all stronger! :-)

Last edited by gulliver; 31 March 2020 at 16:41.
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