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Old 29 February 2020, 14:05   #16
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Originally Posted by Steril707 View Post
SF2 is a rather complex game.
Don't underestimate that.
100% true
And on the capabilities of AGA, I cannot speak for other coders, less those who worked 25 years ago.
It's just that going from my experience from coding Inviyya on OCS, that creating a good looking SF2 on AGA hardware doesn't seem too be much of an effort to me with those huge unlimited eight 64px wide sprites you have there.
Well, you have to keep in mind that those 64 pixel wide sprites come with a price: if you use them and also want to use hardware based horizontal scrolling you're either stuck in 1x fetch mode (which really slows the Blitter down - especially on 5+ bitplane screens, just like OCS) or you're stuck having to shift the screen 64 pixels to the right, which is generally too much to work with.
It's a simple state machine in the end.
The magic within SF2 lies within the frame data and hit boxes. You need this data to really get the "SF2 feeling".
Again, 100% true: that is where the magic is and the genius of the developers shines through. Pushing a few big sprites and some parallax layers really isn't all that impressive considering how powerful the hardware it ran on was. It's all in the coding and painstakingly setting up the exact right hit boxes, move set, state machine, etc.

People sometimes forget that in their quest for technical excellence (and have done so repeatedly throughout the Amiga's history) - game play is king. Extra layers of parallax or bigger objects don't matter nearly as much

Last edited by roondar; 29 February 2020 at 14:19.
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