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Old 21 February 2020, 07:10   #41
Inviyya Dude!
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Join Date: Sep 2016
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Xenon 2 feels to me, like it was made for looking good on screenshots.

I mean, it looks really really gorgeous. I remember i almost couldn't believe it when I saw how the game looks in magazines.

But I also remember how disappointed I was when I played it first time.

* the frame rate is horrible
* almost every "Euro SHMUP" trope is present here. Shop system, life energy, stupid shit like scrolling backwards through a level, bad hit detection, etc.
* the games controls feel so floaty. Many shots don't seem to connect to their targets.
* it's painful to even watch a play through, since the music really goes on your nerves. Or to be more precise, that constant cutting off of samples in the played music just because you are firing your weapons. Why they didn't use all of the 4 Paula channels and give one to sound effects all the time is beyond my knowledge.

I would give the game...

gfx: 9/10
music(intro): 8.5/10
music(ingame): 2/10
gameplay: 5/10

What a wasted chance...

Last edited by Tigerskunk; 21 February 2020 at 07:17.
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