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Old 05 February 2020, 07:25   #4
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5000 buffers requires more RAM, so you must have enough RAM to be able to add more buffers. If you wish to find out for real whether it has any speed benefit, please feel free to run a variety of benchmarks. I'm only guessing that it will not really be a noticeable difference in your day to day use. The emulation is so fast already. Since you're inside an emulator, you probably have RAM to spare, so there's not as much penalty to going wild with the buffer sizes as with a real machine, where you probably don't have multiple gigabytes of RAM to play with.

What is motherboard RAM used for? It is Fast RAM, so for storing instructions and data just like any other Fast RAM area.

Why does motherboard RAM exist in WinUAE? Because the A3000 and A4000 have motherboard RAM and WinUAE can be configured to emulate any existing Amiga model, along with a variety of imaginary Amiga configurations that would not be possible in real life.

Does the motherboard RAM affect the filesystem buffer in any way? Well if you have enough RAM, you can add more buffers. I am under the impression that it doesn't really matter WHERE you add the RAM, be it on the motherboard or an emulated accelerator board, as I believe WinUAE does not yet accurately emulate the speed differences between various 32bit RAM areas that would exist in a real Amiga.
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