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Old 31 January 2020, 09:56   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: London
Posts: 11
New dial-up Amiga BBS online!

Dial-Up Nights is a new dial-up only bulletin board, running Max's BBS on native Amiga NG hardware.

The 'beta' version of the board is open 9pm - 6 am, and 24 hours at the weekends (UK time).
(The plan is to increase to 24/7, depending on demand.)

Amiga and general message banks, files. Door games to come.

Call tonight! 0208 363 3637

You will need a landline and a dial-up modem to connect, as well as a way of connecting the modem to your computer.
On an original Amiga*, this is easy as you have a serial port. Simply dust off your (or buy another) serial modem, connect
one end to the Amiga's serial port, the other to your phone line, and you're good to go. NComm is a good free
terminal package - just enter the number into the dialer and you will connect.

Telnet would be easier...if you have an Amiga with internet. For all of those with original machines though, perhaps
with a landline (and even better a free calls package), I think this is just crying out for some traditional dial-up
action. And for me, dial-up has a certain magic. Plus, it's rather cool to be connecting to other machines and
communities, completely outside of the internet.

* N.b. On NG machines, you will need a USB to RS232 adaptor. You might have some luck with USB modems, but I didn't. However,
a PL2303 chipset USB adaptor works well on MorphOS and gives you the serial port you need. I struggled to get NComm's
fonts to work (weird overlapping problem) but Termite works well. Term also works, but freezes. Not sure about OS 4
or Aros.
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