Thread: CliffHanger
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Old 02 February 2004, 16:20   #6
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Going O.T. here, but From Within's post, just gave inspiration for it. Did Psygnosis's developers feel a tad fustrated with the expectations placed upon them for their early CD-Rom stuff? I'm sure I have a preview somewhere of a "The One" WIP, of stuff like Microsm(??darn, can't recall spelling of it),& Dracula, amongst other things,which along with the stuff you'd mention with Mega-Cd releases,(like the shambles of Last Action Hero,Cliffhanger etc.), seemed to feed off the early "interactive movie" hoopla that surrounded early CD-Rom stuff.

I mean, all the early platforms were never going to achieve photo-realistic movie footage GFX,which seemed to to be "push" at the time,(ala Wing Commander 3 & 4, Nighttrap etc.). From a creative viewpoint, was it ever thought something more realistic & satisfying like a sequel to,say Leander with large levels, CD music etc. would've been a better prospect?
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