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Old 23 January 2020, 21:55   #2
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Originally Posted by d4rk3lf View Post
I don't get it.

It offers so much new and cool stuff, back in the day.
Apart from listening CD music, you could do ton's of other stuff + add a keyboard, mouse, and a floppy, and you got A500 with thousands of games library.

I am unsure would it be possible to play movies on few CD's in HAM6 mode? How much space would you need for 120 minutes in ham6? It would be amazing. I guess, some short documentaries could be done.

Encyclopedias... they were so popular with arrival of CD Rom on PC, and with CDTV it could been so much sooner.

I am not sure why games like this wouldn't work on CDTV
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It's a crappy game - yes, but it was more of a technology reveal.
Or some adventures with recorded cinematic like Phantasmagoria.

Was it too expensive?

All above stuff is unclear to me, and on top of all mentioned capabilities, I really like the look of it. It looks really cool to me, especially for the 90's furniture, and styles of the living rooms.
It was too expensive, and Commodore didn't have a clue how to market it.

For instance, they kept the name "Amiga" out of the marketing, it was simply known as the Commodore CDTV.

Commodore also didn't want too many games for it because they wanted it to be taken more seriously, so many developers simply didn't bother.

It was also in the infancy of CD based machines that were supposed to be multimedia capable of doing all manner of things, turns out, the market wasn't ready for them, and every single CD system like the CDTV failed.
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