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Old 23 January 2020, 21:51   #1
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Why CDTV failed?

I don't get it.

It offers so much new and cool stuff, back in the day.
Apart from listening CD music, you could do ton's of other stuff + add a keyboard, mouse, and a floppy, and you got A500 with thousands of games library.

I am unsure would it be possible to play movies on few CD's in HAM6 mode? How much space would you need for 120 minutes in ham6? It would be amazing. I guess, some short documentaries could be done.

Encyclopedias... they were so popular with arrival of CD Rom on PC, and with CDTV it could been so much sooner.

I am not sure why games like this wouldn't work on CDTV
(especially that second shooter level)
[ Show youtube player ]
It's a crappy game - yes, but it was more of a technology reveal.
Or some adventures with recorded cinematic like Phantasmagoria.

Was it too expensive?

All above stuff is unclear to me, and on top of all mentioned capabilities, I really like the look of it. It looks really cool to me, especially for the 90's furniture, and styles of the living rooms.
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