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Old 07 December 2019, 05:39   #25
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Originally Posted by Honitos View Post
...I activated CLONE_WORKBENCH on the AmiBlitz3-Icon, so it would clone the WB-Screen for its own?
Sorry, you'r right. As I usually run the WB in Hires nolace, I edit the tooltypes to get superhires lace. Changing WB to superhires lace would work too of course. As you asked in the FB group what to improve next, in my personal opinion it would be awesome if the IDE could be adjusted to work also in hires nolace (the prefs window and others are just a little too large at the moment) but that's a different story

Can you provide a short test program for the type conversion problem?
...Did you load an *.ab3-sourcefile or an *.ab2-sourcefile ?
It is an .ab2 file. The other tokens are recognized. When I press enter there, it is tokenized and compiles and runs ok!
However when I save the file (.ab3) and reload it, exactly these commands are unrecognized ("????Lib65/4","????Lib65/1",...)

The problem with the bitmap command is a different story. As written in another thread I tried to include ptplayer.obj (trackermusic library by phx and idrougge) to deflibs (using AB3LibsManager) without success. I think the created deflibs is buggy because after that I had "token not found" with a lot of the examples at more or less random lines with tokens that look fine.

I've replaced the buggy deflibs file with the original deflibs again and now theses compile errors are gone.

And just a small bug: When I open the IDE with a screen with less than 32 colors I get the message "at least 16 colors recommended".

PS: Memory consumption on my side is 0.4MB Chip and 7.4MB Fast (just opening the IDE without mem saving tooltypes). Loading a simple pgm needs a few hundred kB and compiling it too.

Thanks for your work, much appreciated.
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