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Old 08 November 2019, 10:22   #30
son of 68k
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Originally Posted by modrobert View Post
Does it provide anything that will make programming easier ?
(Same reason ppc didn't qualify as 68k replacement, as its asm is actually much worse.)

Can it be made reliable enough so it can provide exactness in the same way as classical computers ?
(Actually even for simplest of tasks they need heavy error correction.)

Can it work at normal temperature like todays computers ?
(Near absolute zero cooler at home would be very funny to have...)

Can it be adapted to any algorithm so it can replace classical computers ?
(I think it can't, even on the most optimistic paper.)

If answer to any of the above is 'no' then for me it does not qualify as "anything good"...

Originally Posted by modrobert View Post
The reason this future seems plausible is because some clever scientist realized that funding is easy if you claim the new tech can break encryption, regardless if the statement is true or not.
And the statement is more or less already wrong. Encryption is ready to face quantum computing, or at least, it is preparing itself for it and is likely to be ready before.

In addition, the reason you mentioned for a plausible future does not look right to me because if they really reach the goal, they will lose their funding... so currently the best approach is lots and lots of claims and theoretical work, with some apparently successful experiment here and there, to make people believe in it - and this is exactly what we have today.

Anyway, if asked i wouldn't bet on quantum computer at all - actually i would bet against it.
I think one day they will find a limit, some basic law of nature they didn't know or anticipate, that they simply cannot bypass, and it will remain a lab's curiosity forever. This is just my view on it, it may be wrong of course. But remember nobody can claim to have fully understood quantum physics so who knows what is lurking...
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