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Old 07 November 2019, 07:00   #130
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Join Date: May 2015
Location: Kirkland, Washington, USA
Posts: 56
I have now integrated this in with my current project, and it all works. It is increasing the joy of coding :-) A couple of things I discovered
1. Like multiple people I use a separate build system and .s-files can't compile directly. No problem, I just set "enabled": false for the amiga-assembly.vasm in settings.json. That works - except it still tells me that to "please configure VASM compiler in the workspace" - I agree it makes sense to show this when the configuration is missing (so users know they need to configure it), but it's mildly annoying that I can't make that message go away when I have configured it properly
2. I had a few problems with symbols loading, but not matching up properly. One time I accidentally had different sections named CODE and code, and that may have been part of the problem. However, I'm not sure if this is a real problem, because even after merging those sections, I still see symbol mismatch sometimes in some build configurations. I'll post if I find out more
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