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Old 03 November 2019, 16:23   #9
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Had the some problems back then _really_ understanding the differences between the conditional branches when applied best.
Started 65xx assembly last year and developed a theory that, in the 80s, the guys coming from MOS 65xx had something of an advantage here as they had to get this things right in first place.
As I started direct on the 68k I was using 'workarounds' (like in your example using two checks for the upper/lower limit) as I knew they worked for me. Often learned by hours of try/error.

I way too long went on with 'feeled' coding (f.ex. not fully understanding twos complement or making use of the condition codes).

It didn't help either that at least one of the early assembler courses in one of the german Amiga magazines didn't got the conditional branches right.
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