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Old 01 November 2019, 02:25   #24
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Originally Posted by NovaCoder View Post
I got my first PC around 1992, which was a clone 386 SX 33 with a massive 2 MB or RAM and a huge 40 MB HD

As an Atari ST owner I was looking for something new and the PC scene was starting to get going and was far more appealing to me than buying an Amiga 1200 or an old A500.

It felt like the Amiga was basically dead to me with the release of a A600 in 1992, I remember all of my friends thinking that Commodore had basically gone crazy when that was released LoL

My 386 SX 33 was just about powerful enough to run Syndicate at 640x480...happy days
Well funny you say that.

What I do recall was being a little pissed at the A500+ coming out, and then confused by the A600 with it's chopped off numeric key pad which was critical for some of the flight sims I enjoyed.

And also put off by the terrible things I saw on the CDTV, touted as "games" (FMV with timed choices)

I really didn't learn much about the A1200 at all! I dont recall ever seeing it advertised in any meaningful way. I probably listented too much to the 2 second review by Andy Crane on Bad influence TV show and the words "incompatible with 1 third of your existing games" would have been all I took in.

If I'd have been hit in the face by "32 BIT POWER!" and "BUILT IN HDD" (optional of course), I dare say I'd have been tempted.

I'm really keen to get one, and I will, and I'd love to do a direct comparison between it and the PC i ended up with just for the fun of it.

But equally, I'm keen to build an Amiga BETTER than that PC.
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