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Old 16 September 2019, 18:46   #144
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Originally Posted by malko View Post
What you say here is against the spirit of the game. Neither at the start of every level, nor in the right panel (where the time is decrementing, the diamond get counted, available swords, etc...), you have a board indicating what has to be done : kill x red, blue, green, etc. . Thus, while the level is over, arbitrary counting a blob colour instead of another is not correct.

I don't see it as a level design issue. In my perception, counting something is a mathematical stuff (code) (I don't say, nor imply that code is not good, don't misinterpret me )
I think you're missing what Alex means. The way the badges are set and how the enemy kill-count is calculated IS a feature of the game. Good or bad, nobody claims that it couldn't have been handled differently. However by the time the late levels were made, it was already set and done and it would have been counter productive to change the whole system from the ground up, just to accommodate one level and for a fringe case that only affects the meta-game (you lose what, just a handful of points? and besides you already get the conditions for a perfect every time you beat a level, so you still can manage the perfect).

Why I say it is a level design problem, is because we were already aware about the limitations of the system. If f.e. I inserted a bunch of swords at the end, to help you take out all the remeining enemies, the issue would have been recrtified. So you see?

And there's obviously much more to that. With only a single person validifying and playtesting all perfect conditions (that's me) from the tiny playtest team we had available at the moment (which was preoccupied on just finishing the game casually and nailing the bigger issues, bugs and inconsistances) this is what you get -inevitably. If we had a much lager playtest team, as devoted and high skill as you guys, ready to push the game and the design into it's very limits, covering fringe cases like this one and devoting a serious amount of workhours to do that, it would have been a different story.

Well, something to consider about next productions, no?
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