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Old 05 September 2019, 00:28   #14
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Note this does double the memory cost compared to a non-scrolling screen
Then again, you probably already know this given you're making a screen that scrolls
Yes Also doubles the amount of blocks you have to blit on screen.

Vertical scrolling can be done without using all that extra memory by making a copper list that resets the display pointers somewhere down the screen to create a wrapping display (and splitting your bobs as you blit them), but I'm not so sure Blitz supports that in any easy to use way.
The link Retro1234 shared has an example that shows exactly how to do that. I took a quickly glance at it and I was only able to understand it because of the post you made earlier about how the Copper works

Once you start seeing 'garbage' on screen (that you overwrite), you're highly likely to be overwriting your own or someone else's program and/or data.
What's really funny is that's not exactly "garbage", it looks like it's just the bitmap but with its colors garbled. I really don't think this is a safe thing to do, but I would like some confirmation (And of course, understanding what the hell is happening is always interesting too)
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