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Old 18 August 2019, 23:17   #16
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Join Date: Jan 2018
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Posts: 61
What a mess! My download finished this afternoon. I've been working now a couple of hours to find a solution for some structure. Seen the time I used I will share my solution in the chaos. Maybe it is of use to someone else.

Ok. If you do what I did, download the whole WHDload lha folder on the eab server:

Think again if you really want this...But if you do it, and I'm sure someone will,
I have some Windows o.s. Powershell lines here to help you out filtering the whole mess in something usable. I am working on windows today, but I am sure there is a Linux terminal solution to.

What you will end up with is a chaos of cd32, Demo, CDTV, AGA, different languages etc etc.. Very, very..., unpractical if you need to set up a structure on an Amiga.
The only thing that makes sense just after downloading is a separation of alphabetic folder order.

I assume here, you Download on your D drive in this folder: D:\RetroPlay\WHDload
Or replace it with the one you use.

Create an extra folder called: D:\RetroPlay\WHDload2\ and in this folder
create the following separated subfolders:
Demo AGA CD32 CDTV _De _Fr _It _Cz _Es _Se

You will have the languages Deutsch, Francais, Italian, Czech, Espagnol, Swedish ???

Than Start a powershell terminal and give these commands one by one in chronological order:
(These powershell lines will let your os scan through the Downloaded folders and move the lha's to several logical folders.)

get-childitem -Recurse -path "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload" -filter '*Demo_*.lha' | move-item -Destination "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload2\Demo_"

get-childitem -Recurse -path "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload" -filter '*_AGA*.lha' | move-item -Destination "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload2\AGA"

get-childitem -Recurse -path "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload" -filter '*CD32*.lha' | move-item -Destination "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload2\CD32"

get-childitem -Recurse -path "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload" -filter '*CDTV*.lha' | move-item -Destination "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload2\CDTV"

get-childitem -Recurse -path "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload" -filter '*_De*.lha' | move-item -Destination "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload2\_De"

get-childitem -Recurse -path "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload" -filter '*_Fr*.lha' | move-item -Destination "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload2\_Fr"

get-childitem -Recurse -path "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload" -filter '*_It*.lha' | move-item -Destination "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload2\_It"

get-childitem -Recurse -path "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload" -filter '*_Cz*.lha' | move-item -Destination "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload2\_Cz"

get-childitem -Recurse -path "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload" -filter '*_Es*.lha' | move-item -Destination "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload2\_Es"

get-childitem -Recurse -path "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload" -filter '*_Se*.lha' | move-item -Destination "D:\RetroPlay\WHDload2\_Se"


After this check every single folder to see if there is nothing you didn't want to take out.
Keep the languages you like or, for english only delete all the _xx folders

At this moment you have a sensible separation of lha compressed games in logical order.
The original folder has the alphabetic order, with only english, no AGA, non CD32,CDTV and most important no DEMO crap.

At this point you can starting unpacking the lha's in each folder. Or do it on a real amiga, it could be better.
I would only do the folders you need. Store the rest as a backup.

UPDATE: DAMIEND adviced against below procedure:

I did this for each subfolder:
The lines below with windows commandline and 7zip:

cd (folder name here like Demo_ , AGA, CD32 ,etc etc....)

mkdir /lha
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x *.lha
move *.lha lha\

Crazy, but it worked.... Only still no selection of modded 2-button A1200 Aga WHDload slaves......

Last edited by leeuwtje; 19 August 2019 at 00:10.
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