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Old 08 July 2019, 14:52   #19
Glen M
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Join Date: May 2017
Location: Belfast
Posts: 750
There is 1 retro shop I know of in Belfast and shame on me I haven't been in for a long time. Its a very small shop and has to be so to keep rent down yet allow him to turn a profit.

The days of the big retail computer shop are numbered and its plain to see that with PC World merging into the same unit as Currys. I've seen a few small "laptop repair centres" pop up but most quickly close again as computers like anything have become a consumable commodity. Once its broken just bin it and buy another. Any time I'm at the local recycling centre the electronics skip is usually full of laptops and computers.

Online retail is the way the world works these days. Outside of computer sales its effecting the entire high street with retailers struggling to compete. Yes its nice to go look in a shop but shops carry additional costs (rent, staff, utilities) that add onto the price. Online sales don't have this worry just as much so can sell stuff cheaper. The supermarkets aren't affected as much as people want their bread and milk today but they are willing to wait to tomorrow for most other things to be delivered and unfortunately the computer market falls into that category.
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