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Old 11 May 2019, 19:22   #32
FS-UAE Developer
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Thanks for the hints, will check the TO debugger command. handle_packet is not called, it stops before that. filesys_diagnetry is run.

The differences I see from the UAE side are (some additional logging added, red color is missing from the nonworking version):
Memory map after autoconfig:
00000000    2048K/4 =     512K Chip memory
00200000    8192K/0 =    8192K <none>
00A00000    2048K/0 =    2048K CIA
00C00000     512K/1 =     512K Slow memory
00C80000    1024K/0 =    1024K Custom chipset
00D80000     256K/0 =     256K <none>
00DC0000      64K/0 =      64K Battery backed up clock (MSM6242B)
00DD0000      64K/0 =      64K <none>
00DE0000     128K/0 =     128K Custom chipset
00E00000     512K/1 =     512K Kickstart ROM (F6290043)
00E80000      64K/0 =      64K <none>
00E90000      64K/0 =      64K Filesystem autoconfig
00E90000      64K/1 =      64K Filesystem autoconfig (64K/1 instead of 64K/0)
00EA0000     384K/0 =     384K <none>
00F00000      64K/1 =      64K UAE Boot ROM
00F10000     448K/0 =     448K <none>
00F80000     512K/1 =     512K Kickstart ROM (F6290043)
TRAP: filesys_diagentry
TRAP: mousehack_done
mousehack_done mode = 17
TRAP: mousehack_done
mousehack_done mode = 18
TRAP: mousehack_done
mousehack_done mode = 4
PAL mode V=50.0000Hz H=15625.0881Hz (227x312+1) IDX=10 (PAL) D=0 RTG=0/0
TRAP: exter_int_helper
TRAP: exter_int_helper
TRAP: exter_int_helper
Display Size: 640x400 Offset: 74x36
TRAP: filesys_dev_storeinfo
Mounting uaehf.device 0 (0):
FS: mounted virtual unit DH0 (./.)

So it looks like filesys.asm isn't triggering the exter_int_helper trap. Could be a problem with the setup there. Also, the missing mousehack_done mode = 17 (clipboard integration) is suspicious, but on the other hand, filesys.asm was also updated as part of the changes, so that might be normal. The next step might be for me to compile a special debug version of WinUAE (with the same features enabled as in FS-UAE), and try to run a detailed comparison of the boot process.

Last edited by FrodeSolheim; 11 May 2019 at 19:42.
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