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Old 20 April 2019, 20:04   #5
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OK I have managed to get this working.

Please bare in mind I've only just come back to the Amiga scene and my Amiga knowledge is a bit rusted and non-existant when it comes to RTG and Picasso. If I've done anything wrong or could be done better please feel free to point me in the right direction. And I don't know if I'm actually treading on old ground here anyway .

Having read through the thread in:

Originally Posted by Anubis View Post

It seems the the rtg.library is needed. So I downloaded 'Picasso96.lha' from ''

Fonnd the 'rtg.library' and extracted to a usb stick. (In windows I used WinRAR to do this)

Go into Midnight Commander in Amibian. and copy over the library. Now I actually didn't where I'm suppose to copy this file to so I copied it to 3 places that looked as though it could be the right place .
1st: '/amibian/amiberry/amiberry/whdboot/boot-data/Libs'

2nd: '/amibian/amiberry/amiberry/guisan-dev/lib'
3rd: '/amibian/amiga_files' (I think this is the only one that's needed)

With ClassicWB_P96 files also copied over per the instructions, start amiga emulation again or reboot Amibian.

'Configurations' - select and Load ClassicWB_96.
'CPU and FPU' - select your prefered options. I chose 68040.
'ROM' - I selected my KS 3.1 A1200 rom

'RAM' - I had Chip:2mb, Z3:64mb, RTG: 32mb. (someone on a thread mentioned that 64mb RTG don't work so I didn't try it)
'Hard drives/CD' - make sure you have the ClassicWB_96 'System.hdf' selected with device as HD0.
'Display' - select 'Fullscreen'.

All other settings I left as is. You can save this new config over the ClaasicWB_96 one or Save as a new Name, so that you can come back and amend if needed.

Now 'Start' to install ClassicWB. You will need your Workbench ADFs. Once everything is installed you will need to reboot.

Once rebooted you will need to select and Load your ClassicWB_96 config again. (I need to find out how to load this as the default)

Now 'Start' and you will be booted into WB probs in a low res mode. Go change your screenmode. I found the highest mode it will go to is: UAE 1366x768 32bit. Any higher modes and it will crash out into the Amibian blue menu screen.

### Now comes my Picasso ignorance ###
Apart from the standard Amiga modes, the only other screen modes listed are UAE ones. Is this suppose to be like this?

When I open 'Prefs/Picasso96Mode' it opens and a dialog box says 'Could not find any modes!'. Do I need to install additional stuff?
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