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Old 01 March 2019, 12:28   #14
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Apologies for the thread necromancy here, but I've recently been wondering about the state of this project.

Now to be clear, any form of new low-end Amiga motherboard* would be just awesome IMHO as I'd dearly love to preserve my A500/A1200 experience for quite a while longer and that'd be so much easier if the non-chipset parts of the hardware was more modern.

Of course, I'm not a hardware kinda person so I don't feel qualified to solder stuff myself. Which is why I was looking forward to a new 'A1200' quite a bit.

So: is this still on the cards? If not: are there any alternatives (preferably using the same chipset)?
I know about the Vampire, but that is not what I'm looking for here.

*) if you're wondering why - this is about nostalgia and getting a modern/new version of what I actually used. I do love the higher end Amiga's, but I only ever used the A500/A600/A1200 back in the day and as such really would like to preserve that kind of thing.
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