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Old 24 February 2019, 00:44   #8
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Originally Posted by MickGyver View Post
Thank you very much, that's it!

There was one more thing I wanted to bring up. You might have noticed that the screen height the example isn't exactly fullscreen, that's indeed due to complications around having the vertical wrap past line 255.

However, it's perfectly possible to do so, but it's a little more tricky. You do indeed need to use CopperEnd in that case (and ONLY when the wrap is beyond line 255). On top of that, you need to make sure you run at least two wait commands to get to the correct line (since the wait command uses bytes for Y position, you can't specify a line higher than 255 - you need to do two wait commands).

ALSO, it makes it even more complicated if you have a second copper display (say, a UI bar at the bottom). It may be a bit easier if you're exercising total control over the copper, but if you're using Blitz's copperlist commands it may be far more complicated to manage.

For that reason, with the Kiwi's Tale I opted to make the top display end just short of the 255 line, and use all of the space underneath that for UI.
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