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Old 04 February 2019, 00:47   #6
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Originally Posted by Hewitson View Post
With all due respect to the OP, I just can not understand why people make things difficult for themselves by doing things like using individual HDF files (and even configurations!) for each game.

Why wouldn't you just install WB and have all your games on a "Games" partition like on a real Amiga. So much simpler and easier.
Well, I could give you many reasons:
  • What you say is really only the case when using WHDLoad... there are many games not included there and which won't run on an emulated OCS / ECS Amiga; or on an AGA Amiga but without killer amounts of RAM... Yes, you can install native but sometime different "Libs" etc. are needed, not to mention Amiga CPU / KS / RAM settings. How do you do this with a "one case fits all scenario"? It's impossible.
  • With emulation via WinUAE; thanks to Toni's "Boxart panel"; with individual configurations I get title / screenshots instead of just lists or game launchers with mediocre / reduced quality images.
  • Updating one massive .HDF can be tedious; I much prefer updating just one game / configuration / .ADF / .HDF etc. when needed. Yes it's a lot of work initially but afterwards there are many benefits.
Anyway, you do what you think is best and others will do the same...
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